Model 9096-M3-DG 2-1/2" 8-850 M3-DG/hr Digital Flowmeter without Drill Guide Kit

EXAIR's Digital Flowmeter, with data logging capability available, is the easy way to monitor compressed air consumption and waste! The

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EXAIR's Digital Flowmeter, with data logging capability available, is the easy way to monitor compressed air consumption and waste! The digital display shows the exact amount of compressed air being used, making it easy to identify costly leaks or inefficient air products. No cutting, welding, adjustments or calibration are ever required. It is designed for permanent or temporary mounting to a compressed air pipe. If the unit needs to be removed, blocking rings are available for most models. Available for measuring air flow in SCFM or m3/hr on 1/2" thru 8" Schedule 40 Iron Pipe, 25mm thru 101mm Aluminum Pipe and for Copper Pipe up to 4".


  • Easy to install
  • Summing Remote Display and Data Logger available
  • No moving parts
  • Sensitive at low flows
  • No calibration or setup required
  • Includes all components for installation
  • Models from 1/2" to 4" Schedule 40 iron pipe in stock
  • Models are available for sizes 1/2" to 8" in iron pipe
  • Models are available for sizes 3/4" to 4" in copper pipe
  • Models are available for sizes 25mm to 101mm in aluminum pipe

Digital Flowmeter Models

  • Models are available for 1/2" through 8" Schedule 40 iron pipe.
  • Models are available for 3/4" through 4" copper pipe.
  • Models are available for sizes 25mm to 101mm in aluminum pipe
  • Metric or English unit displays can be specified for all model sizes.
  • Models can be ordered with or without drill guides.


USB Data Logger

EXAIR's award-winning USB Data Logger Model 9147 connects directly to the Digital Flowmeter and is simple to use. It can be configured to record flow rate from once per second to once every 12 hours. Data can be read with included software or imported into a spreadsheet.

Summing Remote Display

The Summing Remote Display allows remote viewing of Digital Flowmeter data. Additional features include: current air consumption, usage for the previous 24 hours, and total cumulative usage.

Drill Guide Kit

The Drill Guide Kit provides precise positioning to drill the holes in your pipe necessary for the probes on the Digital Flowmeter.

Block-Off Ring

The Block-Off Ring is necessary should you decide to remove or relocate your Digital Flowmeter.

Specifications - Digital Flowmeter

Accuracy5% of reading plus 1% of range for flows from 10% to 100% of indicated range at air temperatures between 20° to 120°F.
Operating Pressure200 PSIG maximum on Sch. 40 iron and on Type L Copper below 3". Consult EXAIR for other materials and at higher pressures.
Input Power250 mA at 24 VDC
Output Resistance600 Ohms maximum
Wetted MaterialsStainless steel, gold, thermal epoxy and Viton
Ring MaterialAluminum
DisplayFour-digit LED display
Response TimeOne second to 63% of change in value at flows above 30% of range.
Pressure RangeN/A
ComplianceCE and RoHS
Note: For use with compressed air and nitrogen only.

Dimensions and Flow Range - Small Digital Flowmeter

EXAIR Digital Flowmeter Dimensions


Series Pipe
in mm Flow Range
9090 1/2" 3.31 84 1-100 SCFM (1.7-170 m3/hr)
9091 3/4" 3.49 89 1-150 SCFM (1.7-255 m3/hr)
9092 1" 3.87 98 2-200 SCFM (3.4-340 m3/hr)
9093 1 1/4" 4.24 108 4-400 SCFM (6.8-680 m3/hr)
9094 1 1/2" 4.62 117 4-400 SCFM (6.8-680 m3/hr)
9091CU 3/4" 3.49 89 1-150 SCFM (1.7-255 m3/hr)
9092CU 1" 3.68 93 2-200 SCFM (3.4-340 m3/hr)
9093CU 1 1/4" 3.87 98 2-200 SCFM (3.4-340 m3/hr)
9094CU 1 1/2" 4.24 108 4-400 SCFM (6.8-680 m3/hr)
91025 25mm 3.49 89 2-200 SCFM (3.4-340 m3/hr)
91040 40mm 4.24 108 4-400 SCFM (6.8-680 m3/hr)

Dimensions and Flow Range - Large Digital Flowmeter

EXAIR Digital Flowmeter Dimensions


Series Pipe
in mm Flow Range
9095 2" 5.34 136 6-600 SCFM (10.2-1020 m3/hr)
9096 2 1/2" 6.09 155 8-800 SCFM (13.6-1359 m3/hr)
9097 3" 6.71 171 12-1200 SCFM
9098 4" 7.71 196 20-2000 SCFM
9099 5" 8.84 224 30-3000 SCFM (51-5100 m3/hr)
90100 6" 9.84 250 50-5000 SCFM
90101 8" 11.84 301 100-6000 SCFM
9095CU 2" 5.09 129 6-600 SCFM (10.2-1020 m3/hr)
9096CU 2 1/2" 5.84 148 8-800 SCFM (13.6-1359 m3/hr)
9097CU 3" 6.34 161 10-1000 SCFM (17-1699 m3/hr)
9098CU 4" 7.34 186 20-2000 SCFM (34-3398 m3/hr)
91050 50mm 5.1 129 6-600 SCFM (10.2-1020 m3/hr)
91063 63mm 5.6 142 8-800 SCFM (13.6-1359 m3/hr)
91076 76mm 6.3 161 10-1000 SCFM (17-1699 m3/hr)
91101 101mm 7.3 186 20-2000 SCFM (34-3398 m3/hr)
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