Cleaning Sawdust in Woodshop
Customer has a personal wood shop on his property. He does a lot of woodworking, leaving sawdust and wood chips all over the shop floor. He wants a means to collect it, without having to empty out a small industrial vacuum so frequently. A Model 6293 Deluxe Chip Vac System will collect the wood chips and sawdust into a 55-gallon drum on a dolly, so the customer can easily transport the drum around his shop to the area that needs cleaning. Having 55 gallons of storage for the chips will allow him to only have to empty the drum about once a week, as opposed to once or more each day, as with a regular shop vac.
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Model 6293 55 Gallon Deluxe Chip Vac SystemEXAIR's Deluxe Chip Vac System adds features that make the Chip Vac easy to use for everyday tasks. EXAIR's compressed air operated Chip Vac is an industrial duty vacuum designed specifically for vacuuming chips. It creates a powerful direct flow action that vacuums metal, wood or plastic chips into an ordinary drum. Learn More$1,268.00
Model 6393 55 Gallon Premium Chip Vac SystemUpgrade to the Premium Chip Vac to get the most out of your EXAIR Chip Vac System. EXAIR's compressed air operated Chip Vac is an industrial duty vacuum designed specifically for vacuuming chips. It creates a powerful direct flow action that vacuums metal, wood or plastic chips into an ordinary drum. Learn More$2,208.00
Model 6193 55 Gallon Chip Vac SystemEXAIR's compressed air operated Chip Vac is an industrial duty vacuum designed specifically for vacuuming chips. It creates a powerful direct flow action that vacuums metal, wood or plastic chips into an ordinary drum. Designed for occasional use with dusty materials, the included filter bag keeps the surrounding air clean. Learn More$975.00