Heavy Duty Safety Air Guns Make Short Work Of Tall Arena Ceiling Cleaning
A residential and commercial painting company was contracted to rehab a large arena building that had sat vacant for many years. Before they could proceed, they needed to clean the dust, sediment, cobwebs, and other debris from the open rafters in the ceiling (42,000 square feet.) They purchased (2) Model 1360-48 Heavy Duty Safety Air Guns, and were able to expediently clear the debris, allowing them to move quickly on to the rest of the building restoration.
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Model 1360 Heavy Duty Safety Air Gun with Model 1106 Air NozzleEXAIR's Heavy Duty Safety Air Gun is a powerful air gun that delivers high force for use in rugged, industrial environments. The 3/8 NPT compressed air inlet increases the compressed air flow available to the Super Air Nozzle, resulting in higher force and flow than other air guns. The durable cast curved trigger makes it comfortable for hours of use without fatigue. Learn More$202.00
Model 1360SS Heavy Duty Safety Air Gun with Model 1106SS Air NozzleEXAIR's Heavy Duty Safety Air Gun is a powerful air gun that delivers high force for use in rugged, industrial environments. The 3/8 NPT compressed air inlet increases the compressed air flow available to the Super Air Nozzle, resulting in higher force and flow than other air guns. The durable cast curved trigger makes it comfortable for hours of use without fatigue. Learn More$339.00
Model 1360-PEEK Soft Grip Safety Air Gun with Model 1106-PEEK Air NozzleEXAIR's Heavy Duty Safety Air Gun is a powerful air gun that delivers high force for use in rugged, industrial environments. The 3/8 NPT compressed air inlet increases the compressed air flow available to the Super Air Nozzle, resulting in higher force and flow than other air guns. The durable cast curved trigger makes it comfortable for hours of use without fatigue. Learn More$243.00
Model 1214SS Super Blast Safety Air Gun with Model 1112SS Large Super Air Nozzle
Super Blast Safety Air Guns provide the strongest blowing force - ideal for long distance, wide area blowoff, cooling, and drying applications. The comfortable foam rubber handle provides a firm grip. The spring-loaded valve instantly shuts off the air supply if the air gun is dropped.
Learn More$660.00