Vac-u-Gun Blows and Vacuums Water From Electrical Cabinet
The customer operates a steel casting mill. They have water cooled rectifiers in the process that occasionally spring a leak. When that happens, they can repair the leak in fairly short order. However, the clean-up of the water that has leaked into the panel is quite a head ache. They were using the cheap $5.00 blow guns from a local hardware store to blow the water down and out of the panel. The problem is that these blowguns do not develop enough volume of air flow to make it a useful solution. In this case, the customer decided to move to Model 6292 Vac-u-Gun Transfer System to first blow the water down and out of the panel with a large volume flow. They then change the flow direction on the gun by removing the generator inside and replacing in the opposite direction. They can then connect the supplied 10 ft. hose and vacuum the water out and away from the panel into a holding tank or bucket. They are essentially able to clean up the mess all with one handy tool, the Vac-u-Gun. With these improvements they were able to shave 45 minutes off of their clean-up time which gets them back on line faster and thus higher productivity.